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Dec 28, 2019

English as a second language

your feedback - direct  episode shownotes  |  all episodes  |

An introduction or re-introduction, to the Present Perfect.



English Coach Podcast - Living the Language

Dec 25, 2019

your feedback - direct  episode shownotes  |  supporting article DIY-English (DE)  |  all episodes   |

The Lived Experience - your showhost

I couldn’t help but notice that you have already started to react most to the story telling element of this Podcast based of course, on the episodes listened to, downloaded...

Dec 18, 2019

your feedback - direct episode shownotes  |  all episodes    |

The Lived Experience - featuring Said el Amir

In today’s episode 10 we continue with our “conversations with dance”, language, and the lived experience Said.

We talk about:

  • Sage fear.
  • Authenticity.
  • The stage.


English Coach Podcast - Living the Language

Dec 15, 2019

your feedback - direct  |  all episodes  |  all shownotes  |

English for Work and Play - Living the Language

Overused words, utterances or expressions, interjections and alternatives.

Looking at fun alternatives - 'very', 'super', 'amazing'

English Coach Podcast - Living the Language

Dec 15, 2019

your feedback - direct  episode shownotes  |  all episodes  |

The Lived Experience - featuring Said el Amir

In today’s episode 8 we continue with our “conversations with dance”, language, and the lived experience of a Master practitioner, and proficient user of English as a Second Language.

We talk about: